Monday, March 7, 2016

Woo Holiday Editions!!!

For my Final Portfolio Project, I chose to create a magazine which includes the front page, contents, and double-page spread. I am some-what familiar with what it takes to lay out a page because I'm in the Newspaper class at school. In my free time, I enjoy cooking with my father and dining at restaurants that offer something special to the table. I decided to take my passion for food and apply it to my project. At home, I started looking through all the food magazines my father has collected over the years and stumbled upon all of his holiday editions. That's when it hit me... I knew I had to create a holiday edition. Personally, the holiday season is the time of year when I am most happy so I thought it would be a great way to combine two things I love into my project. Magazines like Gormet and bon appetit  create special holiday editions because of the known fact that there are many events during the holidays where people host dinners at their homes. The holiday months November and December tend to have the highest rate of sales revenue. I concluded that my magazine would be consumed by a larger audience and create more revenue because the holiday season has been known to be more profitable in the past with sales.

 "Gourmet Holiday Special Edition Magazine." : Food Cooking : Web. 10 Apr. 2016. 

 Appétit, Bon. "Our Special Edition Holiday Issue Is Here! Hooray!" Web. 10 Apr. 2016. 

1 comment:

  1. It was a smart idea to create a magazine given you have that newspaper experience working to your advantage! I love food and so does every human being so a magazine filled with delicious food is key and I don't think you can go wrong with it.
    The holiday season IS the best time of the year and it is also the time of the year to eat and create special scrumptious foods. Good job doing your research to explore your options and making the decision to make a holiday themed magazine due to the high ratings.
