Today is the day that I made my decision to create a November holiday issue. I was choosing between either the month of November (Thanksgiving) and December (Hanukkah/ Christmas). According to
CNN, Thanksgiving was ranked America's second favorite holiday; so, I decided to use this to my advantage. Although Christmas came in first, more people can celebrate thanksgiving because it is taught in our schools and it is not based off a religious belief. Most people go all out during this time of the year to create happiness for their families which include the following: special dinners, nice gifts, decorations. Statistics show that people shop the most during the month of November because of sales like Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Since Thanksgiving has a stereotypical menu for the holiday (
includes Turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie, etc.), many people want to change up the recipes and do something different. This is what I want the main focus of my magazine to be about. Taking the typical Thanksgiving traditions and incorporating something different with them. I would do this by incorporating new side dishes, entres, and giving my readers different ideas on how to spend their thanksgiving meals. Some people do not like making a mess and cooking for a large group of people so I decided to make my double page spread an article about places people can go to during this holiday instead of having a typical meal at home.
"Thanksgiving by the Numbers." CNN. Cable News Network. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
"The 9 Best Thanksgiving Foods (With A Recipe For Each)." LIVESTRONG.COM. LIVESTRONG.COM, 2015. Web. 10 Apr. 2016.
A very informative post that cites research well. The fact that you took in to account the various individuals who would be looking for recipes to change up their Thanksgiving dinner, which is what my family does as well, but also considering the huge influx of shoppers on Black-Friday, which would definitely increase the chances of your magazine getting exposure, shows that you know your stuff. The included chart helps to assert your idea of the magazine being profitable and applying to various shoppers who may have an influx of people in their home. The only thing I can criticize is delving more into how you will present the information to your audience about places they can go to on thanksgiving, such as including a opinions section or ratings based off of yelp. Overall, good job!